Thank you for always using us. It is a shibashiri from tomorrow. The priest runs around because of the busyness of running around. It's the end of the year in no time. Vegetable sales started gradually in March this year. In winter, I was talking with the staff that there are few things that can be served, but there seems to be something that can be served unexpectedly♪
We will introduce the vegetables that we can offer this weekend♪ (as of November 30)

Cauliflower of the first challenge. I was able to do it♪ the place where it looked a little black got a little dirt on it. It is best to eat pure white cauliflower, boiled and mayo♪
Purple Cabbage

Purple cabbage that disappeared before summer is reappearing. It looks good when you use sandwiches and salad ingredients♪ I think that the sweetness is increasing due to frost.
Takeko Cabbage

It's like a bamboo taker! It does not go to, but the cabbage which extends on like the bamboo taker. I feel that it is softer than ordinary cabbage. It is delicious even raw, and I think that it is delicious even if I put it in soup etc♪
Purple Broccoli

The purple cute broccoli ♪ limited quantity, but I will serve it. Rich in anthocyanins. If you boil it as it is, purple will come out, so it is necessary to devise color stop. Everyone, please try various things and give advice to natural day♪
Ruffled Lettuce

Winter ruffle lettuce is here. This naming because the frill lettuce of soft and popular ♪ lettuce system is frillyed? The appearance that makes you think. The aphid system sticks, so wash well before serving.
Ayake Yuki Kabu

It has become the size of kokabu to medium turnip. Ayake Snow with a cute purple head. Because it endures the cold, the taste of the turnip is increasing♪ it is delicious even if it is sliced raw and made into a salad♪

Komatsuna was growing up before she knew it♪ ohito, namul, stir-fry and miso soup, it goes well with anything♪

The harvest of the ♪ has started~ A large amount of ingredients called inulin are contained in the wheat potato. It is said to be natural insulin, and it is said to have the effect of preventing diabetes and suppressing the rise in blood sugar levels. When fried, it is sweet, and when it is put in miso soup, it is hokuhoku. It is perfect for pickling sweet and sour.

The aracula has also grown, ♪ unique taste, adult taste. It is delicious even if you eat it as it is, but why not try it in a salad style with seasonal persimmons and prosciutto at this time of year? If you put mizuna, it will be a hearty salad♪

This year it's done well. The taste is THE carrot. If you like the old-fashioned taste, please enjoy it♪ you can also eat carrot leaves♪

A lot of mizuna has been made♪ At this time when it is getting cold, it is crispy and delicious when you put it in a pot and eat it quickly. I think that you can enjoy it deliciously with salad.
Purple Mizuna

Mizuna shines purple. It seems that anthocyanins are 10 times as large as ordinary mizuna. It is a vegetable that is kind to the body in this time when there is a lot of time to look at the screen♪

The left is a normal radish. On the right is Ayake Daikon. The color is beautiful ~ ♪ Ayme daikon, purple to the inside! ? I thought, the inside was white w. It is a universal daikon that can be salad, boiled, oden, and so on♪

The coriander which is very popular with the visitor of the natural day ♪ grows up with Sukusuku. You can eat it with pakuchi salad, yum eun sen, pho or tom yum kung noodles♪
sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have become much ripe♪ nectar has also come out. There are also sweet potatoes that can be eaten immediately. Please contact us if you wish♪

It is soft and has no habit, and it is very popular with children. It is famous to be eaten with yakiniku, but it can also be torn and put in a choregi salad or sandwich.

Crown chrysanthemum that can be eaten raw. If you put it overnight with sesame oil and soy sauce, it is perfect for freshly cooked rice at this time of year. It is a addictive regular dish♪

The turnip has become medium size ~ ♪ a little small 1,000 pieces pickled, miso soup and soup, raw salad. The turnips at this time of year are sweeter and more delicious.
Winter Melon

It is written, "It is a winter melon" and it is a winter melon. It seems to be a season word of autumn. Because it can be stored until winter, it seems to have been named winter melon. We offer simmered dishes and soups in a used size that is nice.
Butternut Pumpkin

It is famous for butternut soup. Actually, it is shaped like such a gourd♪ this pumpkin, what! Peel with peeler ^ ^ It's soft.
Natural day is working in a way that meets and adjusts to the environment of today.
In the natural day, it is a small field, but in consideration of the SDGs, we will give priority to those who come to the field, harvest together, and take it home as it is.
In addition, for delivery, we will wrap it in newspaper and send it by cool flight♪
If you are using natural day, in fact, you are already working on the SDGs. It is a reduction of the plastic bag of the vegetable bought in the supermarket every week ^ ^1 If 10 bags are cut in a week, it is a reduction of 520 pieces a year. By your little by little action, you are contributing to the preservation of the global environment little by little ^ ^
All the staff are waiting for your use ^ ^