We will inform you of the start of vegetable sales.
Thank you for always seeing the natural day Insta.
About eight years ago, we started making vegetables using organic farming, and since 2020 we have switched to natural farming methods that do not use animal organic fertilizers. In the meanwhile, we have been inging vegetables to some people, but from this year we would like to make it possible for those who wish to purchase natural and opportunistic vegetables.
If you are interested in natural vegetables, please help us pre-register.
※ Because natural day is not a full-time farmer, regular sales are difficult, so we will send a purchase hope questionnaire to those who registered with the growth situation of vegetables a few days before harvest (mainly Saturdays and Sundays♪
※ You can also see the list of vegetables grown in natural day from the above form
The method of handing over is as follows. (1) Purchase
directly in the field of natural day (
2) Delivery to your home (1,500 yen or more, only in the Miraidaira area
) (3) Purchase at the base of natur
al day (4) Mail (payment on delivery of cool flights)
In natural opports, we recommend and prioritize (1) because we value communication between face and field, and we want to contribute to the SDGs as much as possible. We would also appreciate it if you could bring a case. After you come, we will harvest it and put it in the case♪
We sincerely hope that we can deliver fresh vegetables that are gentle on the body and healthy to as many people as possible.
Natural Day